Fall 2023 Coffee Talk

  • October 19, 2023
  • 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • ZOOM

Once again SCPGC will be co-hosting Coffee Talks with the NC Council for Charitable Gift Planners. 

On October 19 Dave Smith from Heaton Smith will be joining us to discuss The Art of Blended Gifts: Donor Case Studies of Giving Now and Later: Donors' family, financial, and philanthropic goals and their capacity to give should drive recommendations by gift officers and/or advisors. Presenter will discuss several case studies and include donor fact patterns and gift recommendations of cash, appreciated stock, real estate, current CRTs and CLTs, DAFs, QCDs, business interests, and bequests.

Members of SCPGC & NCCCGP can attend for FREE!
Nonmembers: $10

SC Planned Giving Council is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.
140 Amicks Ferry Road | Suite 334 | Chapin SC 29036

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